Lettuce (Hyb) Red

Lettuce (Hyb) Red


25 days baby, 50 days to maturity. Deepest wine-red oak leaf. Clearly redder and more solidly red colored than Red Salad Bowl with fuller head and slightly more compact shape. Highly rated color for baby leaf. (DA)

25 days baby, 50 days to maturity. Tripe red upright leaf variety. Leaf is a deep wine red even as it emerges, this feature makes it very desirable for baby leaf production. Lovely bunched variety as well. (GA)

30 days baby, 53 days to maturity. Dark Lolla Rossa type, with heavily frilled intense burgundy leaves, 5 to 7 inch circular mound, more compact and slower growing than other types, excellent for adding texture and color to a salad mix. (LO)

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Net weight: 0.5 grams